About Specialty Practice

SHPA Specialty Practice includes more than 30 Specialty Practice Groups (SPGs), as listed below, and is a free member benefit for SHPA members.

Within each SPG, there are three levels at which you can be involved^:

  • Specialty Practice Group - the entry level for Specialty Practice , you can join as many Specialty Practice Groups as you wish. Specialty Practice Groups are for specialist AND generalist/rotational practitioners. 
  • Verified Members - these are SHPA's pool of member expertise in each SPG. Verified Members are accomplished and invested in the specialty, have  demonstrable experience and/or are emerging leaders in the specialty, who want to work with SHPA and the Leadership Committee, support members of the SPG and influence practice.
  • Leadership Committee - recognised leaders in the specialty seeking to drive practice and lead SHPA's work in the specialty.

^ NOTE: Aid and Volunteering, Respiratory, Medical Specialties, and Neurology have no Verified Members or Leadership Committee.


You asked, and we have delivered! In July 2024 your Specialty Practice experience moves to Communities, a new purpose-built platform for faster, easier communication between members, backed by our first app.

Members of Specialty Practice Groups on 7 July 2024, including Verified/PG members and Leadership Committee members, will be migrated into the Communities platform for a seamless Specialty Practice experience. 

If you joined Specialty Practice after 7 July, you may need to re-join the SPG in Communities. 



  • LOGIN via your SHPA Dashboard (or using your username and password for your Online CPD account) to view the self-enrolment options on this page.*
  • From the Specialty Practice Groups listed below, click on ⓘ to find out more and self-enrol in all SPGs you'd like to join.
    If no self-enrolment option appears and you are able to access the Interest Group page, you are already enrolled. 
  • **NEW SHPA members** - Gain access to Specialty Practice by logging into your Online CPD account via the SHPA Dashboard.
  • For any SPGs you join after 7 July 2024, you will need to re-join in the new Communities platform

*Please contact specialtypractice@shpa.org.au if you are unable to see the self enrolment options or need assistance with your Online CPD account details.