Who are we?

The Aid and Volunteering Interest Group is a network of SHPA members who are interested in volunteering and aid work who come together as a community, share experiences and expertise, and encourage each other in this challenging and diverse area of practice. 

Why join?

Join the Aid and Volunteering Interest Group if you want to access this diverse network of experts and peers through the Aid and Volunteering Discussion Forum. You don’t need to specialise in aid and volunteering to join the Aid and Volunteering Interest Group.

Due to our recent transition to single sign on between the member platform (Dashboard) and Online CPD platform. We now encourage members to access to the Online CPD platform via your SHPA Dashboard (shpa.org.au/dashboard) page.

*Please contact specialtypractice@shpa.org.au if you are unable to see the self enrolment option or need assistance with your Online CPD account details.