Who are we?

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Stream is a network of SHPA members who work to optimise best practice and culturally responsive care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. 

There are THREE levels in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Stream:

  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Interest Group
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Group
  3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Committee

Start your journey in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Interest Group

Joining the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Interest Group gives you access our online network of practitioners and leaders in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and resources to support your practice. You don't need to be a specialist in this field to join the Interest Group, anyone interested in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is encouraged to join.

LOGIN using the username and password for your Online CPD account* (created for you by SHPA) and select from the self-enrolment options here

*Please contact specialtypractice@shpa.org.au if you are unable to see the self enrolment option or need assistance with your Online CPD account details.

Do you want to advance to the next level and join SHPA's pool of member expertise?

Eligible members with sufficient experience working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health who want to work with SHPA and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Committee can apply to join the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Group. Find out more when you join the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Interest Group.